The Inertia of Capability Perceptions

The Inertia of Capability Perceptions

The Inertia of Capability Perceptions   If you are aiming to reach an extraordinary level of success in your life (define as you like) there is something you are bound to encounter that, if you’re not aware of it, could add significant friction to your progress....
Is your company purpose driven?  

Is your company purpose driven?  

Is your company purpose driven? A self-assessment for business leaders   These days both customers and employees have every opportunity to spend their money and their time with other companies. More and more, the element that drives loyalty from both groups is a...
Getting real with Purpose 

Getting real with Purpose 

Getting real with Purpose – 9 Questions to start the conversation   Businesses that operate from a foundation of purpose attract more customers and more talent than their competition. The 2020s will see companies thriving or dying based on how well they...